Reference Material
The following is a combination of four lists which were on the Internet a few years ago.
This is posted as is and without any guarantee by RailFonts.com. RailFonts.com does not
maintain this list and can not answer any questions about it.
Floquil Master
Beginning with this upload version, I have endeavored to increase the number
of entries with reference to specific OEM (original equipment manufacturers)
colors supplied to the railroad, when known, giving you the type of paint as
well as the OEM color number ie.: Acrylic Enamel 123-4567 or DuPont Acrylic
Lacquer 123-4567. As appropriate cross-referenced model color matches are
determined, they will be supplied.
The file(s) also include color references to specific classes and numerical
series of cars (see the Ferrocariles Nacionales de Mexico entry) where
Some of the latest additions to this file include references to the Pactra
line of colors. These colors are identified by the prefix "PA" in the
following listing. This line is, unlike the Floquil or Scalecoat lines, an
enamel and as such requires a rather longer drying or "curing" time (relative
to the Floquil or Scalecoat line). When using the Pactra enamels, or any
enamel for that matter, bear in mind that they generally will not cause
"plastic crazing" and don't generally need an initial coating such as
Floquil's Barrier.
Remember too that, since Pactra is an enamel, you may or may not be able to
overspray it with successive coats of Floquil or Scalecoat without the
Pactra layer either crazing or lifting entirely. In general, it's best to
apply the Pactra colors AFTER painting with Floquil or Scalecoat.
This file includes references to the Accu-Paint line of product colors.
These colors are identified by the prefix "AP" in the following listing.
Accu-Paint colors are an acrylic lacquer based material. Because they con-
tain 2% by weight Diacetone Alcohol (4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone) (CAS
#123422) which has a 50 TLV occupational exposure limit you should exercise
an appropriate amount of caution in handling this material. If sprayed, you
should at least use a NIOSH or OSHA approved RESPIRATOR and additionally, it
is recommended that you use a spray painting booth.
While you CAN in most cases use an Accu-Paint color coat over a Floquil
color coat and vice-versa, you should do your own experimentation to see what
works best with your methods and equipment.
In certain entries, you'll notice a reference to "Pantone" colors. This is
a reference to the Pantone (R) Color Reference Chart which is a collection
of "standardized" commercial printers inks available in sample book form. In
these entries, if I haven't yet come up with a specific Floquil color match
(yet), I've included the Pantone color for temporary reference. This color
chart shows samples of 600+ colors used as a standard in the book/magazine
printing industry and can be obtained at your local graphic arts supply
store. As accurate matches are developed, they will be inserted to replace
the Pantone notation.
A number of questions have surfaced as to what "units" I commonly measure in.
Most often I use a standard glass eyedropper with a 1/16 opening. This makes
my unit of measure the "drop" or 1/216 of an ounce. Most of the formulae
listed below are listed as "part" or "parts". They could actually be any
unit you choose, just so long as you use the same unit each time, be it
milliliter (or cubic-centimeter) or even gallon (for those of you guys out
there modelling on a 1:1 scale who need REALLY large quantities of material).
I prefer to use the glass eyedroppers because they are more accurate, easier
to find and are easier to clean out after adding every color than the plastic
All colors bearing the prefix "PF" or "PG" are Floquil Polly-S colors. The
remaining colors bearing prefixes "R" are standard Floquil colors.
A few colors are listed with "Flo-Paque" references where applicable.
Floquil's "Polly S" colors may be used UNDER the solvent-based colors but
they should never be applied over the solvent based paints because of poor
adhesion qualities.
You may want to prime structures made with wood, cardboard or other porous
materials with the water-soluable colors first, then re-paint with the
solvent based colors to achieve a more moisture-resistant finish. Just take
care in thinning the Polly S and Flo-Paque colors with water...the less water
you use in thinning...the less of a chance you'll take in warping the wood,
cardboard or whatever.
Railroad Color Amount Color
Adirondak Railway
Green 5 parts R-40 Dark Green
5 parts R-51 Light Blue
1 part R-174 Southern Green
Gold 2 parts R-166 UP Armour Yellow
2 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-103 Bright Gold
Ahnapee & Western
Orange 10 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Orange 12 parts AP-17 CN Orange
1 part AP-8 Vermillion
Alexander Railroad (circa 12/79)
Green 5 parts R-35 Burlington No. Green
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Green (exact) 15 parts R-40 Dark Green
3 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
Yellow 5 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
Yellow (exact) 37 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
38 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-35 Burlington No. Grn.
Allegheny Railroad
Blue 5 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Orange 5 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-10 Engine Black
2 parts R-168 UP Light Orange
Algoma Central
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil black
Black SC-10 Black
Gray 10 parts R-10 Engine Black
10 parts R-13 Grimy Black
10 parts R-17 Weathered Black
Maroon 3 parts R-25 Tuscan
10 parts R-10 Engine Black
10 parts R-13 Grimy Black
Yellow 3 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
10 parts R-10 Engine Black
10 parts R-13 Grimy Black
Amador Central RR
Blue Flo-paque F56 Peacock Blue
(Phase III equipment) Blue R-142 Amtrak Blue
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
(Phase I, II & III- Platinum Mist R-144 Platinum Mist
Smooth sided cars) or
Platinum Mist SC-23 Silver
Platinum Mist AP-40 Aluminum
(Phase I & II Fluted Silver PA-** Chrome
side cars-stainless or
steel) Silver 10 parts AP-40 Aluminum
1 part AP-1 Stencil White
1 part AP-101 Satin Finish
(Phase I & II Fluted Silver R-100 Old Silver
side cars-stainless or
steel) Silver 10 parts AP-40 Aluminum
1 part AP-1 Stencil White
1 part AP-101 Satin Finish
(Phase I, II & III Silver SC-23 Silver
Fluted side cars- or
stainless steel) Silver 10 parts AP-40 Aluminum
1 part AP-1 Stencil White
1 part AP-101 Satin Finish
(All Phases) Red R-143 Amtrak Red
Red SC-26 SF Red
(MofW equipment) Orange (MofW 15 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
equipment) 15 parts R-65 Signal Red
Ann Arbor RR System
Ann Arbor Orng 1 part R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Ann Arbor Orng 2 parts AP-8 Vermillion
1 parts AP-20 Medium Yellow
(Found on AA GP35s Ann Arbor Orng Orange acrylic 890-32655
#385-394 under DT&I
control circa 1964)
(Found on AA GP35s Black Black acrylic 890-67104
#385-394 under DT&I
control circa 1964)
Dark Gray 10 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-50 Dark Blue
3 parts R-10 Engine Black
Dark Gray 12 parts AP-43 CP Gray
1 part AP-4 BAR Blue
2 parts AP-2 Stencil Black
Light Gray 4 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-50 Dark Blue
Light Gray 5 parts AP-43 CP Gray
1 part AP-1 Stencil White
3 parts AP-4 BAR Blue
Blue 9 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Blue 10 parts AP-4 BAR Blue
1 part AP-2 Stencil Black
(Found on FA1s & FA2s Blue 1 part R-50 Dark Blue
circa 1950) 1 part R-142 Amtrak Blue
" Blue 2 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-56 GH Big Sky Blue
1 part R-58 Conrail Blue
Gold R-103 Bright Gold
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-1 Black
Apache RR Co.
Apache Blue 9 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Apache Blue 20 parts R-11 Reefer White
3 parts R-58 Conrail Blue
Aluminum 15 parts R-144 Platinum Mist
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Arkansas & Missouri
Maroon 5 parts R-25 Tuscan
3 parts R-74 Boxcar Red
Blue R-51 Light Blue
Gold 5 parts R-133 SP Armour Yellow
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Yellow R-31 Reefer Yellow
Ashley Drew & Northern
AD&N Green 10 parts R-35 BN Green
1 parts R-10 Engine Black
AD&N Green 11 parts AP-70 BN Cascade Green
1 part AP-2 Stencil Black
1 part AP-43 CP Gray
Atlanta & St Andrews Gay RR Co.
Orange 10 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Orange 12 parts AP-17 CN Orange
1 part AP-8 Vermillion
Atlantic Coast Line
Purple 1 part R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-51 Light Blue + (4 drops
R-100 Old Silver/tsp
to above mix)
Purple Flo-Paque Violet #5061
Aluminum R-100 Old Silver
Yellow 1/4 tsp R-31 Reefer Yellow + 1
drop R-25 Tuscan
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-1 Black
Atcheson, Topeka and Santa Fe
Blue AP-63 ATSF War Bonnet Blue
Blue R-177 ATSF Blue
Blue SC-24 SF Blue
Blue 3 parts R-152 B&O Royal Blue
1 part R-50 Dark Blue
Yellow AP-64 ATSF War BonnetYellow
Yellow R-178 ATSF Yellow
Red AP-69 ATSF War Bonnet Red
Red R-176 ATSF Red
Red SC-26 SF Red
Austin & Northwestern Railroad
Orange 4 parts R-135 SP Daylight Red
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Black 5 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-13 Grimy Black
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
Silver 1 part R-101 Bright Silver
1 part R-9 Primer
Silver 2 parts AP-40 Aluminum
1/2part AP-43 CP Gray
Auto Train
Red 1 part R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Red 3 parts AP-8 Vermillion
1 part AP-2 Stencil Black
1 part AP-43 CP Gray
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
Purple 1 part R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-51 Light Blue + (4 drops
R-100 Old Silver/tsp
to above mix)
Purple Flo-Paque Violet #5061
Baltimore & Ohio RR
Dk. Gray 5 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-130 SP Lettering Gray
Gray 3 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-48 Coach Green
(post 1953) Blue R-57 C&O Enchantment Blue
Blue 1 part R-57 C&O Enchantment Blue
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Blue R-152 B&O Royal Blue
(this "Bando Blue" is Bando Blue 25 parts R-152 B&O Royal Blue
the actual color used 3 parts R-10 Engine Black
on 1935-1965 equip- 3 parts R-65 Signal Red
ment & is slightly
darker than the "Royal
Blue" color)
Blue 4 parts AP-4 BAR Blue
1 part AP-2 Stencil Black
Blue 5 parts R-50 Dark Blue
5 parts R-151 D&H Blue
1/2part R-10 Engine Black
Chessie Blue AP-74 Chessie/B&O Blue
Yellow 99 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Chessie Yellow AP-73 Chessie/B&O Yellow
Gold 2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow + (1
drop R-70 Roof Brn/
1/4 tsp above mix)
Black 10 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
Bangor & Aroostook
(found on GP7s, GP9s Blue Dupont Duco 254-34969
and BL2s-exact match) or
Blue 5 parts R-50 Dark Blue
5 parts R-151 D&H Blue
1/2part R-10 Engine Black
Blue AP-4 BAR Blue
(found on GP7s, GP9s Yellow DuPont Duco 254-52492
and BL2s-exact match) or
Yellow 5 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
4 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
(found on GP7s, GP9s Gray DuPont Duco 254-34793
and BL2s-exact match)
(found on GP7s & GP9s Black DuPont Duco 243-2504
- exact match) or
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
White 10 parts R-11 Reefer White
1/2part R-82 Concrete
(found on GP7s & GP9s Aluminum DuPont Dulux 166-220
- exact match) or
Aluminum 10 parts R-100 Old Silver
4 parts R-144 Platinum Mist
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Aluminum AP-40 Aluminum
Aluminum SC-47 Aluminum
Red AP-10 Chinese Red
(this color was used Devil's Red 30 parts R-65 Signal Red
on wreck train cars 2 parts R-51 Light Blue
and cabooses as of
2/1/52 & is an
exact match)
Red/Orange AP-18 CN Red/Orange
Battenkill Railway
Orange 7 parts R-172 D&RGW Orange
1 part R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
Orange 8 parts AP-72 D&RGW Yellow/Orng
1 part AP-1 Stencil White
1/2part AP-43 CP Gray
Green 4 parts R-174 Southern Green
2 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
Green 5 parts AP-75 Southern Green
1 part AP-2 Stencil Black
1/2part AP-43 CP Gray
Yellow 4 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Yellow 5 parts AP-20 Medium Yellow
1 part AP-1 Stencil White
Bay Colony Railroad
(found on ex-PT S4 Silver R-101 Bright Silver
#1061 circa 1983) or
Silver AP-40 Aluminum
Silver SC-47 Aluminum
(found on ex-PT S4 Orange 6 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
#1061 circa 1983) 1 part R-173 D&RGW Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
(found on ex-PT S4 Yellow 5 parts R-158 EL Yellow
#1061 circa 1983) 1 part R-11 Reefer White
Belt Railway of Chicago
(Found on GP7s & GP9s Black DuPont Dulux 88-762
circa '51-'58-exact
(Found on GP7s & GP9s Black DuPont Duco 243-2504
circa '51-'58-exact
(Found on GP7s & GP9s Gray RM XL-6976
circa '51-'58-exact
(Found on GP7s & GP9s Yellow DuPont Duco 254-1379
circa '51-'58-exact
(Found on GP7s & GP9s Aluminum DuPont Duco 254-81436
circa '51-'58-exact
Berlin Mills Railway
Blue 5 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
2 parts R-130 SP Lettering Grey
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-41 Light Green
White 9 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-09 Primer
Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad
Orange 8 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
3 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Black 6 parts R-10 Engine Black
3 parts R-70 Roof Brown
Boston & Maine Railroad
(Found on BL2s circa Maroon DuPont Duco 254-6957
1948-exact match) or
Maroon 10 parts R-156 EL Maroon
3 parts R-136 SP Scarlet
1 R-134 SP Daylight Orange
(Medallions on BL2s Circassion Brn
circa 1948)
(Medallions on BL2s Coronada Tan
circa 1948)
(Found on BL2s circa Imitation Gold DuPont Duco 254-54015
1948-exact match)
Blue R-145 B&M Blue
Blue AP-3 B&M Blue
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black SC-10 Black
Black AP-1 Stencil Black
White R-11 Reefer White
White SC-11 White
White AP-1 Stencil White
Silver R-100 Old Silver
Brandywine Valley Railway
Orange 5 parts R-172 D&RGW Orange
1 part R-168 UP Light Orange
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
Yellow 5 parts R-158 Erie Lack. Yellow
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-41 Light Green
White 10 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-130 SP Lettering Grey
Burlington Northern
Green R-35 Burlington No. Green
Green AP-70 BN Cascade Green
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-11 White
California Western Railroad
Maroon 5 parts R-136 SP Scarlet
3 parts R-88 D&H Caboose Red
1 part R-65 Signal Red
1 part R-51 Light Blue
Yellow 3 parts R-166 UP Armour Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Canadian Forest Products Ltd.
Red R-143 Amtrak Red
Red 5 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
3 parts R-65 Signal Red
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Yellow 3 parts R-166 UP Armour Yellow
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Blue 1 part R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
1 part R-58 Conrail Blue
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-11 White
Canadian National Railways
Green 2 parts R-45 Pullman Green
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Green AP-30 CN Green
Gray AP-42 CN Letter. Gray
Gold/Bronze 1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
3 parts R-70 Roof Brown
Black 10 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
Red 5 parts R-65 Signal Red
5 parts R-187 Socony Red
2 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
Orange AP-17 CN Orange
Red/Orange AP-18 CN Red/Orange
Yellow AP-19 CN Yellow
Oxide Brown AP-12 Oxide Brown
CP Rail
Red AP-11 CP Rail Action Red
Green AP-51 CP Rail Action Green
Yellow AP-52 CP Rail Action Yellow
Canadian Pacific
Gray AP-43 CP Gray
Gray R-12 Reefer Gray
Yellow AP-52 CP Rail Action Yellow
Yellow R-173 D&RGW Yellow
Yellow SC-67 Yellow
Red SC-70 CP Action Red
(Found on 2200 series Red 1 part R-64 Maroon
coaches) 1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Red 7 parts R-25 Tuscan
1 part R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-65 Signal Red
1 part R-51 Light Blue
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Canadian Wheat Board
(This color is found Brown 1 part R-74 Boxcar Red
on 100-ton cylindrical 2 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
grain hoppers circa
(This color is found Aluminum 1 part R-101 Bright Silver
on 75-ton cylindrical 1 part R-100 Old Silver
grain hoppers numbers
106000-108423 circa
Cementos Portland Nacional
Yellow 3 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Green 5 parts R-35 Burlington No. Green
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Black 5 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 parts R-13 Grimy Black
Red 10 parts R-65 Signal Red
3 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
Central Railroad of Pennsylvania (owned by CNJ)
(Found on XM4 class Boxcar Red 1 part R-74 Boxcar Red
boxcars #22501-23250 1 part R-175 So. Frt. Car Brown
circa 1947-48)
Central of Georgia Railroad
Blue R-50 Dark Blue
plus a mix of
3 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-48 Coach Green
Central Vermont Railroad
(found on S4s and Green 1 part R-183 Reading Green
RS11s circa 1983-84) 1 part R-48 Coach Green
1 part R-35 BN Green
(found on S4s and Yellow 5 parts R-158 EL Yellow
RS11s circa 1983-84) 2 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Chattahoochee Industrial Railroad
White R-11 Reefer White
White SC-11 White
White AP-1 Stencil White
Red 3 parts R-65 Signal Red
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Blue 1 part R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-51 Light Blue
Railroad Color Amount Color
Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad
(Found on BL2s circa Enchantment Blue DuPont Duco 254-54108
'48-'49-exact match)
(post 1964) Blue R-57 C&O Enchantment Blue
(this "Bando Blue" is Bando Blue 25 parts R-152 B&O Royal Blue
the actual color used 3 parts R-10 Engine Black
on 1935-1965 B&O equip 3 parts R-65 Signal Red
ment rather than the
"Royal Blue" color)
Blue 9 parts R-57 C&O Enchantment Blue
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Blue 8 parts R-57 C&O Enchantment Blue
2 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-132 SP Lark Dark Grey
Blue AP-80 CSX Blue
or from scratch
(found on RSD7s & Enchantment Blue Dulux 83-54108
RSD12s circa 1956) or
(found on RSD12s Enchantment Blue Kirker Lacquer AY-3173-X-L
circa 1956) or
(exact match) Enchantment 10 parts R-50 Dark Blue
Blue 1 part R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-136 SP Scarlet
(more black-less Enchantment 10 parts R-50 Dark Blue
purple than above) Blue 2 parts R-10 Engine Black
Chessie Blue AP-74 Chessie/C&O Blue
(Found on BL2s circa Venetian Yellow DuPont Duco 254-35621
'48-'49-exact match)
(Found on BL2s circa Imitation Stainless DuPont Duco 254-34245
'48-'49-exact match)
Chessie Yellow AP-73 Chessie/C&O Yellow
(found on RSD7s & Federal Yellow Dulux 83-24567
RSD12s circa 1956) or
(found on RSD12s Federal Yellow Kirker Lacquer AY-2626-X-Y
circa 1956) or
Yellow 99 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Red 1 part R-88 D&H Caboose Red
(Vermillion) 1 part R-65 Signal Red
Vermillion 4 parts R-187 Socony Red
1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
2 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
Gray 1 oz. R-12 Reefer Gray
140drops R-10 Engine Black
72 drops R-31 Reefer Yellow
2 drops R-20 Caboose Red
Gray AP-81 CSX Gray
Aluminum R-100 Old Silver
Freight Car Brn R-25 Tuscan Red
Safety Green R-35 BN Cascade Green
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
(F-Units circa 1947) Aluminum or 4 parts R-11 Reefer White
"Imitation 1 part R-12 Light Gray
Red 5 parts R-187 Socony Red
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Gray 9 parts R-150 D&H Gray
1 part R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Chicago Freight Car Leasing Corp.
Yellow 9 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-87 Depot Buff
Light Tan R-84 Foundation
Chicago & Eastern Illinois
(Found on BL2s) Blue 8 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-65 Signal Red
Blue 8 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
(Found on BL2s) Striping Orange 9 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Orange 1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Imitation Gold 1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Chicago & Illinois Midland
Green 2 parts R-41 Light Green
1 part R-40 Dark Green
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Green 2 parts R-41 Light Green
1 part R-40 Dark River
1 part R-11 Reefer White + (1
drop R-20 Caboose
Red per 1/2 tsp above
Red R-65 Signal Red
Orange R-30 Reefer Orange
Chicago, Missouri & Western Railway
Maroon 5 parts R-25 Tuscan
3 parts R-74 Boxcar Red
Red 8 parts R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Gold 4 parts R-178 ATSF Yellow
2 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee RR
CNS Green 1 part R-40 Dark Green
1 part R-48 Coach Green
2 parts R-10 Engine Black
CNS Red 1 part R-135 SP Daylight Red
1 part R-176 ATSF Red
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Chicago & North Western
(Found on E-Units Green DuPont Duco 254-52481
circa '52-'53-exact
(Found on E-Units Green DuPont Dulux 88-5502
circa '52-'53-exact
(Found on E-Units Yellow DuPont Duco 254-51596
circa '52-'53-exact
(Found on E-Units Red DuPont Duco 254-9089
circa '52-'53-exact
(Found on E-Units Aluminum DuPont Duco 254-4202
circa '52-'53-exact
Green 3 parts R-40 Dark Green
1 part R-50 Dark Blue
(exact match) Green 35 parts R-174 Southern Green
12 parts R-50 Dark Blue
5 parts R-10 Engine Black
10 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
Yellow 10 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
(exact match) Yellow 20 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
20 parts R-11 Reefer White
12 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
Black 10 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
Black 5 parts R-10 Engine Black
5 parts R-13 Grimy Black
Gray 3 parts R-10 Engine Black
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Chicago Regional Transit Authority
(Found on F40PHs Blue 10 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
units #100-173) 1 part R-58 Conrail
1 part R-11 Reefer White
(Found on F40PHs Red 5 parts R-135 SP Daylight Red
units #100-173) 2 parts R-65 Signal Red
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
(Found on F40PHs Black 7 parts R-10 Engine Black
units #100-173) 3 parts R-13 Grimy Black
1 part R-184 Tuscan Red
City Public Service Board of San Antonio
Red R-136 SP Scarlet
Columbus & Greenville
Bluish/Purple 3 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Blue 6 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
1 part R-20 Reefer Red
Maroon 5 parts R-25 Tuscan
2 parts R-64 Maroon
Brown R-179 Mineral Brown
Brown AP-39 CR Alkyd Brown
Conrail Blue 3 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
1 part R-50 Dark Blue
Conrail Blue R-158 Conrail Blue
Conrail Blue AP-7 Conrail Blue
Yellow 3 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
(used on safety MofW Red 5 parts R-65 Signal Red
appliances) 1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
(used on current - MofW Yellow 10 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
circa 1989 - MofW 1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
equipment) 5 parts R-11 Reefer White
(used on current - MofW Gray 40 parts R-11 Reefer White
circa 1989 - MofW 3 parts R-10 Engine Black
Copper Basin Railway
Red 10 parts R-20 Caboose Red
25 parts R-65 Signal Red
4 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
Corinth & Counce RR Co.
Boxcar Blue 20 parts R-58 Conrail Blue
15 parts R-50 Dark Blue
Lettering Yell R-33 Railbox Yellow
Cotton Belt
Gray 5 parts R-132 SP Lark Dark Grey
1 part R-131 SP Lark Light Grey
Red 5 parts R-135 SP Daylight Red
1 part R-136 SP Scarlet
Aluminum R-100 Old Silver
Orange 9 parts R-134 SP Daylight Orange
1 part R-133 SP Armour Yellow
1 part R-135 SP Daylight Red
(found on Cotton Belt Scarlet Lacquer 939-Y-51151
SSW GP40-2s units or
#7248-7657 circa 1984) Scarlet R-136 SP Scarlet
Scarlet AP-66 SP Scarlet
Scarlet SC-29 SP Scarlet
Dark Gray Lacquer 939-Y-93830
Dark Gray R-132 SP Lark Dark Grey
Dark Gray AP-65 SP Lark Dark Gray
Dark Gray SC-28 SP Dark Gray
Light Gray Lacquer 939-Y-55921
Light Gray R-131 SP Lark Light Grey
Beige Enamel 917-Y-12145
Dark Gray Enamel 183-19688
Brown Enamel 917-Y-12146
White Lacquer 939-Y-93881
Crystal Car Line Inc.
Yellow 12 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-36 Weyerhauser Green
Delaware & Hudson RR
Red R-136 SP Scarlet
Blue 5 parts R-151 D&H Blue
5 parts R-50 Dark Blue
Blue SC-9 D&H Blue
Yellow R-31 Reefer Yellow
Yellow AP-23 D&H Yellow
Yellow SC-8 D&H Yellow
(closely matches the Gray R-82 Concrete (over-
Atlas gray) sprayed with)
R-86 Grime
Gray SC-63 D&H Gray
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RR
Yellow 1/2 tsp R-31 Reefer Yellow
8 drops R-70 Roof Brown
Delaware Otsego System
Boxcar Blue 1 part R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-51 Light Blue
(FJ&G) Boxcar Green 10 parts R-37 Penn Central Green
1 part R-50 Dark Blue
(FJ&G) Boxcar Lt. Grn. 10 parts R-41 Light Green
1 part R-11 Reefer White
(FJ&G) Boxcar Lt. Grn. 10 parts R-37 Penn Central Green
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
(FJ&G) Yellow 10 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
(FJ&G) Orange 16 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
9 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-143 Amtrak Red
Delta Valley & Southern RR
Red R-20 Caboose Red
Denver & Rio Grande Westerm RR
(1880's reefer) Reefer Yellow 1 part R-11 Reefer White
3 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
(1880's reefer) Reefer Orange 1 part R-11 Reefer White
3 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
Yellow R-173 D&RGW Yellow
Orange 1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
1 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
Orange R-172 D&RGW Orange
Orange AP-72 D&RGW Yellow/Orange
Orange SC-40 DRG New Orange
(found on 1950's Grande Orange 5 parts R-134 SP Daylight Orange
EMD FT units) 2 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
oversprayed over a
coat of R-101 Bright
Detroit, Toledo & Illinois Railroad
DT&I Orange 1 part R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad
(Found on PS boxcars Boxcar Green R-41 Light Green
circa early '60s)
Detroit & Mackinac Railroad
Dark Green 10 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-36 Weyerhauser Green
Gold R-104 Brass
Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range
Missabe Maroon 10 parts R-88 D&H Caboose Red
1 part R-10 Engine Black
3 parts R-51 Light Blue
(found on the Emblem) Green 10 parts R-35 Burlington No. Green
2 parts R-174 Southern Green
(found on the Emblem) Red 5 parts R-20 Caboose Red
4 parts R-65 Signal Red
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
Yellow 5 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
2 parts R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-33 Railbox Yellow
Black 5 parts R-10 Engine Black
3 parts R-74 Boxcar Red
Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific
(found on GP38-2s) Blue R-51 Light Blue
Blue AP-6 GTW Blue
Red R-135 SP Daylight Red
DuPont Canada Inc.
Orange R-30 Reefer Orange
Durham & Southern
(Caboose X-85 circa Red Pantone #180
(Caboose roof, steps Black R-10 Engine Black
& frame) or
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
East Camden & Highland Rwy.
Omaha Orange 7 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
East St Louis Junction RR Co.
Gold 6 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
1 part R-166 Armour Yellow
Eastern Shore Railroad
(Found on GP7 unit Apple Green 4 parts R-35 BN Green
#1603 circa 1981) 1 part R-33 Railbox Yellow
(Found on unit #8096) Blue R-58 Conrail Blue
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
Bright Red R-20 Caboose Red
ElectroMotive Division, GM
Demo Blue SC-7 EMD Demo Blue
Elgin, Joliet & Eastern RR
(found on SD38-2s Orange Acrylic 939-AFX-141
circa '75-'79) or
Orange 6 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-134 SP Daylight Orange
(found as lettering Green Acrylic 929-Y-1144
& handrails on SD38-2s
circa '75-'79)
Aluminum 10 parts R-101 Bright Silver
1 part R-9 Primer
ElectroMotive Diesel (EMD)
EMD Demo Blue 8 parts R-56 Big Sky Blue
2 parts R-101 Brt. Silver
EMD Demo Maroon AP-36 Engine Maroon
EMD Demo Gray AP-48 EL Gray
EMD Demo Gold AP-60 Lt. Imitation Gold
EMD Demo White R-11 Reefer White
(circa 1975) EMD Demo Blue 5 parts R-51 Light Blue
(as used on 5 parts R-9 Primer
GM6C) 2 parts R-11 Reefer White
(circa 1975 represents EMD Demo Orng. R-144 Platinum Mist
the Scotchlite safety oversprayed with thin
stripes on front & layers of the following mix
rear hoods as used on 5 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
GM6C) 1 part R-33 Railbox Yellow
25 parts R-3 Hi-Gloss
20 parts Dio-Sol
Erie Lackawana RR
(passenger) Erie Dk. Grn. AP-55 Erie Green
Erie Lt. Grn. AP-56 Gray Green
(stripes) Yellow AP-60 Lt. Imitation Gold
Erie Railroad
Yellow 4 parts AP-24 EL Yellow
1 part AP-1 Stencil White
Maroon 6 parts AP-36 Engine Maroon
1 part AP-2 Stencil Black
Gray 4 parts AP-48 EL Gray
1 part AP-1 Stencil White
Gold AP-22 Imitation Gold
(running gear) Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Escanaba & Lake Superior RR
Blue R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
Orange 5 parts R-173 D&RGW Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-134 SP Daylight Orange
Black 5 parts R-13 Grimy Black
2 parts R-10 Engine Black
Evans Railcar Leasing Co. (USLX)
(Found on all-door Red R-20 Caboose Red
boxcars leased to or
Simpson Lumber Co.) Red AP-8 Vermillion
Hampton Lumber 9 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
Orange 1 part R-11 Reefer White
Olive 7 parts R-44 Depot Olive
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
(circa 1953; used Demo Orange 10 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
on H24-68 "Train 6 parts R-11 Reefer White
Masters") 1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
(circa 1953; used Demo Yellow 5 parts R-158 Erie Lack. Yellow
on H24-68 "Train 1 part R-166 UP Armour Yellow
Masters") 2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Black 1 part R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-13 Grimy Black
Ferrocariles Nacionales de Mexico (NDM)
(found on boxcars Boxcar Red 1 part R-186 Oxide Red
#62910-64409 circa 1 part R-175 So. Frt. Car Brown
early 1946.)
Florida West Coast RR
Maroon 5 parts R-176 ATSF Red
1 part R-13 Grimy Black
1 part R-51 Light Blue
Silver R-144 Platinum Mist
White R-11 Reefer White
Black 5 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-13 Grimy Black
Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad
Boxcar Green 10 parts R-37 Penn Central Green
1 part R-50 Dark Blue
Boxcar Lt. Grn. 10 parts R-41 Light Green
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Yellow 10 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
Orange 16 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
9 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-143 Amtrak Red
Fort Vancouver Plywood Co.
(boxcars circa 1975 Buff Yellow 1 part R-87 Depot Buff
#11711-11749) 3 parts R-187 EL Yellow
Buff Yellow 2 parts AP-22 Imitation Gold
1 part AP-1 Stencil White
(boxcars circa 1975 Orange 7 parts R-168 UP Light Orange
#11711-11749 upper 1 part R-176 ATSF Red
(boxcars circa 1975 Orange 5 parts AP-77 Guilford Orange
#11711-11749 upper 3 parts AP-22 Imitation Gold
Frisco (St. Louis & San Francisco)
(Found on E7s "The Cardinal Red DuPont Duco MC 2460 DK860
Texas Special")
(Found on E7s "The Yellow DuPont Duco MC 242 DK 310
Texas Special")
(Found on E7s "The Blue DuPont Duco MC 23192 DK2030
Texas Special")
(Found on E7s "The Light Maroon DuPont Duco MC51823 DK960
Texas Special")
(Found on E-Units Red DuPont Duco 254-30199
circa '49-exact match) or
Red 10 parts R-135 SP Daylight Red
2 parts R-134 SP Daylight Orange
1 part R-65 Signal Red
(Found on E-Units Blue DuPont Duco 254-34969
circa '49-exact match)
(Found on E-Units White DuPont Duco 254-1
circa '49-exact match) or
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-11 White
(Found on E-Units Aluminum DuPont Dulux 166-220
circa '49-exact match) or
Aluminum 10 parts R-100 Old Silver
4 parts R-144 Platinum Mist
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Aluminum AP-40 Aluminum
Aluminum SC-47 Aluminum
(Found on E-Units Metalli-Chrome DuPont Duco 261-30890
circa 1949 - exact or
match) Metalli-Chrome 7 parts R-166 UP Armour Yellow
2 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-144 Platinum Mist
Target Red 1 part R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-65 Signal Red
Gold 2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow +
(1/4 drop R-70 Roof
Brown per tsp of
above mix)
Gold 1/2 tsp R-31 Reefer Yellow
4 drops R-70 Reefer Brown
(anti-glare) Green Pactra AntiGlare Green #535
Beige 8 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-73 Rust
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Galveston Wharves
Orange Flo-paque F30 Orange
GATX Leasing (ne General American Tankcar)
Blue 5 parts R-58 Conrail Blue
5 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
1 part R-11 Reefer White
White R-11 Reefer White
White SC-11 White
White AP-1 Stencil White
Yellow R-33 Railbox Yellow
General Electric Railcar Servicec Corp.
Maroon R-20 Caboose Red
Light Green 4 parts R-41 Lt. Green
5 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-51 Lt. Blue
Genessee & Wyoming
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
Orange R-20 Reefer Orange
Orange AP-17 CN Orange
Yellow R-30 Reefer Yellow
Grand Trunk Western Railroad
Green 2 parts R-48 Coach Green
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Blue AP-6 GTW Blue
Blue R-51 Light Blue
Red R-135 SP Daylight Red
Great Northern
(Found on PS 50' GN Green 7 parts R-47 Jade Green
boxcars series 2 parts R-35 BN Green
39800-39899 circa
Green 4 parts R-48 Coach Green
1 part R-40 Dark Green
1 part R-74 Boxcar Red
Green SC-47 GN Empire Bldr. Green
(Original colors as Omaha Orange DuPont Dulux 83-35617
supplied by DuPont) DuPont Dulux 254-35617
DuPont Dulux 88-35617
(recommended by GN Omaha Orange 1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Historical Society) 1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
Omaha Orange 23 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
30 parts R-31 Reefer Orange
Omaha Orange 30 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-10 Engine Black
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Omaha Orange AP-17 CN Orange
Omaha Orange SC-46 GN Empire Bldr. Orng.
Omaha Orange R-30 Reefer Orange
Yellow 3 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Green Bay & Western RR
Caboose Yellow 20 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
Green Mountain RR
Orange 10 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Green 1 part R-36 Weyerhauser Green
2 parts R-40 Dark Green
Greenville & Northern RR
Green R-35 BN Green
Green AP-70 BN Cascade Green
Gulf, Mobile & Ohio
Maroon Prime with R-10 Black then
overcoat with Testors Red
Red Prime with R-10 Black then
overcoat with Testors Red
Red 10 parts R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-65 Signal Red
2 parts R-73 Rust
G. W. (Great Western British Railway)
(matches Floquil's GW Cream 62 parts R-11 Reefer White
Cream) 7 parts R-166 UP Armour Yellow
11 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-48 Coach Green
Cream 52 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-166 UP Armour Yellow
11 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
Guilford Transportation (Springfield Terminal)
Orange 8 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Orange R-162 Milwaukee Orange
Orange AP-77 Guilford Orange
Gray R-185 Guilford Gray
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-10 Black
Hamersley Iron (North Western Australia)
Black 8 parts R-10 Engine Black
2 parts R-13 Grimy Black
2 parts R-25 Tuscan
Yellow 7 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-178 ATSF Yellow
Hartford & Slocom RR
Orange 10 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Helena Southwestern RR
Orange R-135 SP Daylight Orange
Orange SC-30 SP Daylight Orange
Illinois Central Railroad
(Found on E Units Brown R-70 Roof Brown
circa 1941)
(Found on E Units Orange 3 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
circa 1941) 1 part R-23 Flesh
(Found on E Units Yellow 4 parts R-23 Flesh
circa 1941-striping) 1 part R-33 Railbox Yellow
Boxcar Red 1 part R-73 Rust
1 part R-74 Boxcar Red
Illinois Central Gulf
ICG Orange 4 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-135 SP Daylight Red
ICG Orange 4 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-74 Boxcar Red
ICG Orange AP-71 ICG Orange
(circa 1979 - exact ICG Orange 20 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
match) 5 parts R-65 Signal Red
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
ICG Orange SC-27 IC Orange
ICG Gray R-132 SP Lark Dark Grey
ICG Brown 6 parts R-70 Roof Brown
1 part R-10 Engine Black
ICG Yellow 8 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-74 Boxcar Red
1 part R-11 Reefer White
(circa 1979 - exact Equipment Black 4 parts R-65 Signal Red
match) 4 parts R-50 Dark Blue
7 parts R-10 Engine Black
Indiana & Ohio RR
Red 8 parts R-65 Signal Red
1 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
Silver R-144 Platinum Mist
Maroon 8 parts R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-74 Boxcar Red
Indian Hill & Iron Range Rwy.
Green 5 parts R-174 Southern Green
5 parts R-40 Dark Green
5 parts R-51 Light Blue
Iowa Interstate
Black 8 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-34 Brunswick Green
1 part R-13 Grimy Black
Red 5 parts R-65 Signal Red
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Yellow 5 parts R-158 Erie Lack. Yellow
5 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Railroad Color Amount Color
January National Railways
JNR Blue 4 parts R-58 Conrail Blue
1 part R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
Jackson and Southern Rwy
Red 8 parts R-65 Signal Red
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
Yellow 8 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
8 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Black 8 parts R-10 Engine Black
3 parts R-13 Grimy Black
Jersey Central
(Found on EMD GP40s Blue Blue acrylic 890-92925
former SAL units)
#3671-3683 circa
(Found on EMD GP40s Yellow Yellow acrylic 890-94567
former SAL units)
#3671-3683 circa
Kalamazoo, Lake Shore & Chicago
White R-11 Reefer White
Gold 8 parts R-133 SP Armour Yellow
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
Red 5 parts R-65 Signal Red
2 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
Maroon 3 parts R-25 Tuscan
2 parts R-88 D&H Caboose Red
Gray 5 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Kansas City Southern
Yellow 1/4 tsp R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 drop R-25 Tuscan
Yellow 1/4 tsp R-33 Railbox Yellow
2 drops R-73 Rust
1 drop R-11 Reefer White
1 drop R-75 Boxcar Red
Lamoille Valley
Yellow 7 parts R-158 Erie Lack. Yellow
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
Lehigh Valley
Green R-47 Penn Central Green
Engine Red 4 parts R-20 Caboose Red
2 parts R-176 ATSF Red
3 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
(Found on GP38ACs & Cornell Red Acrylic 939-AF-415
GP38-2s circa '70-'72) or
Cornell Red SC-62 LV Cornell Red
" Yellow Acrylic 939-3404
" Orange Acrylic 939-98156
" Black Acrylic 939-67391
" White Acrylic 939-93881
" White R-11 Reefer White
" White AP-1 Stencil White
" White SC-11 White
LMX Leasing
(Found on B39-8 unit Gray 5 parts R-131 SP Lark Lt. Grey
#8501 circa 1988) 3 parts R-167 UP Harbor Mist Gray
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-11 White
Red R-65 Signal Red
Long Island Railroad
Dark Gray 5 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
2 parts R-10 Engine Black + (1
drop R-50 Dark Gray
per 1/2 tsp of above
Orange 1/2 tsp R-30 Reefer Orange
1 drop R-20 Caboose Red
Orange 1/2 tsp R-30 Reefer Orange
1 drop R-20 Signal Red
1 drop R-73 Rust
(lettering) Light Gray 2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray + (1 drop
R-50 Dark Blue to
1/2 tsp above mix)
Dark Green AP-31 Brunswick Green
Maroon AP-37 PRR Maroon
Longview Portland & Northern
Orange 3 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
1 part R-172 D&RGW Orange
Louisville & Nashville
(body) Blue 5 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-51 Light Blue
Blue 5 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-51 Light Blue
Beige 6 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-70 Roof Brown
Orange 10 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Green 5 parts R-174 Southern Green
2 parts R-183 Reading Green
Gray 5 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
Yellow 5 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
(new scheme) Brown 5 parts R-70 Roof Brown
1 part R-25 Tuscan
1 part R-13 Grimy Black
(new scheme) Tan 5 parts R-84 Foundation
1 part R-70 Roof Brown
White R-11 Reefer White
Maine Central
------------- MEC Yellow/ 8 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
Gold 2 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
Orange 8 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-70 Roof Brown
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Maroon 5 parts R-184 Tuscan Red
3 parts R-88 D&H Caboose Red
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Marinette, Tomahawk & Western RR
MT&W Green R-35 BN Green
Masonite Corp.
Blue R-50 Dk. Blue
Blue AP-4 BAR Blue
Gray R-82 Concrete
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 White
White SC-11 Stencil White
Maryland Midland Rwy.
Orange 5 parts R-172 D&RGW Orange
5 parts R-168 UP Light Orange
3 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Orange R-172 D&RGW Orange
Orange AP-72 D&RGW Yellow/Orange
Blue 7 parts R-51 Light Blue
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-50 Dark Blue
15 parts R-11 Reefer White
Blue R-50 Dark Blue
Blue AP-4 BAR Blue
Metro Boston Transit Authority
(Found on F45PH units Yellow 5 parts R-158 EL Yellow
circa 1978) 1 part R-11 Reefer yellow
Aluminum R-144 Platinum Mist
Aluminum 10 parts R-100 Old Silver
4 parts R-144 Platinum Mist
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Meridian and Bigbee RR
Blue R-56 GN Blue
Blue AP-3 B&M Blue
Middletown & New Jersey RR
Blue 8 parts R-56 GN Blue
1 part R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-35 BN Green
Midsouth Rail Corp.
Boxcar Orange 25 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
3 parts R-65 Signal Red
10 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
Milwaukee Road
Orange R-162 Milwaukee Orange
Orange AP-77 Guilford Orange
(Hiawatha Colors)
Orange 5 parts R-62 Milwaukee Orange
1 parts R-168 UP Light Orange
Maroon 10 parts R-20 Caboose Red
4 parts R-146 MEC Blue
Red 5 parts R-20 Caboose Red
3 parts R-10 Engine Black
Gray 3 parts R-130 SP Lettering Gray
1 part R-167 UP Harbor Mist Gray
2 parts R-20 Caboose Red
Underbody Brn 1 part R-70 Roof Brown
1 part R-73 Rust
Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern
Dark Blue R-50 Dark Blue
Dark Blue AP-4 BAR Blue
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie (Soo Line) RR
(Found on F-7 Units Maroon (Tuscan) DuPont Duco 254-34460
circa '47-'62-exact
(Found on F-7 Units Imitation Gold DuPont Duco 254-54292
circa '47-'62-exact
White R-85 Antique White
(exact match) Maroon DuPont/Dulux 933-30350M
Gold 2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow +(1
drop R-70 Roof
Brown per 1/4 tsp
above mix)
Mississippi Delta RR
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-10 White
Missouri, Kansas & Texas "KATY"
(Found on E7s "The Cardinal Red DuPont Duco MC 2460 DK860
Texas Special")
(Found on E7s "The Yellow DuPont Duco MC 242 DK 310
Texas Special")
(Found on E7s "The Blue DuPont Duco MC 23192 DK2030
Texas Special")
(Found on E7s "The Light Maroon DuPont Duco MC51823 DK960
Texas Special")
(Exact match) Green DuPont 847-6732
MKT Green 10 parts R-35 BN Green
1 part R-154 Vermont Green
(Exact match) Yellow DuPont 844-3308
MKT Yellow 4 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
(Exact match) Suede Gray DuPont 810-6297
MKT Gray 4 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
(Exact match) Black DuPont 810-6299
(Exact match) Black DuPont 840-2431
(Exact match) Black DuPont 828-8509
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
(Found on caboose #755 Sloan Yellow Pantone #1345
circa 1952)
Missouri Pacific
Blue 6 parts R-50 Dk. Blue
1 part R-51 Light Blue
1 part R-48 Coach Green
Gray 4 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray + 2 drops
R-31 Reefer Yellow
to 1/4 tsp of White/
Gray mix
Emblem Red 9 parts R-65 Signal Red
1 part R-11 Reefer White
3 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
(Found on F3 units Gray 1 part SC-65 NYC Light Gray
in passenger svc. 1 part SC-68 CP Gray
circa 1960's) or
Gray R-131 SP Lark Lt. Grey
Light Gray R-12 Reefer Gray
Light Gray AP-43 CP Gray
(Found on F3 units Red SC-26 SF Red
in passenger svc. or
circa 1960's) Royal Red R-20 Caboose Red
Red AP-8 Vermillion
Gold 1 part R-100 Old Silver
1 part R-103 Bright Gold
(Found on F3 units Yellow R-31 Reefer Yellow
in freight svc. or
circa 1960's for Yellow AP-20 Medium Yellow
(Found on F3 units Orange R-30 Reefer Orange
in freight svc. or
circa 1960's for Orange AP-17 CN Orange
Morrison-Knudsen, Inc.
Demo Yellow 20 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
18 parts R-11 Reefer White
15 parts R-155 UP Armour Yellow
1 part R-41 Light Green
1 part R-70 Roof Brown
Moscow, Camden & San Augustine RR
Omaha Orange 7 parts R-30 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Nash County Railroad
(Found on ex-URR SW1 Red Pantone #180
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-11 White
National Steel Corp.
Green 4 parts R-44 Depot Olive
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
Nationales de Mexico (N de M)
Dark Blue 4 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-51 Light Blue
Light Blue 5 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
1 part R-51 Light Blue
4 parts R-11 Reefer White
Orange 5 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Netherlands Overseas Mills
Blue 4 parts R-51 Lt. Blue
5 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-41 Lt. Green
Yellow 31 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
New England Southern RR
Green 5 parts R-41 Light Green
5 parts R-35 Burlington No. Grn.
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
Yellow 4 parts R-158 Erie Lack. Yellow
6 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
Red 4 parts R-187 Socony Red
1 part R-65 Signal Red
1 part R-11 Reefer White
New Haven RR
Caboose Red 5 parts R-20 Caboose Red
3 parts R-135 SP Daylight Red
2 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Gray 5 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-119 Graphite
2 parts R-70 Roof Brown
(this red hasn't been Red 3 parts R-135 SP Daylight Red
verified - if anyone 1 part R-65 Signal Red
has a better one, let 2 parts R-11 Reefer White
me know)
White R-11 Reefer White
New Hope & Ivyland RR
McHugh Green DuPont #93-77763
(Exact Match)
New Orleans Public Belt RR
Orange R-134 SP Daylight Orange
Orange SC-30 SP Daylight Orange
New York Central RR
(Found on cabooses- Caboose Brown 1 part R-74 Boxcar Red
pre-1960's scheme) 1 part R-70 Roof Brown
(handrails) Yellow 1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-33 Railbox Yellow
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Roof Black 4 parts R-13 Grimy Black
1 part R-10 Engine Black
3 parts R-17 Weathered Black
Lt. Gray AP-45 NYC Light Gray
Dk. Gray AP-46 NYC Dark Gray
Jade Green AP-32 NYC Jade Green
Jade Green R-47 Jade Green
Jade Green 7 parts R-47 Jade Green
1 part R-37 Penn Central Green
Aluminum 10 parts R-100 Old Silver
4 parts R-144 Platinum Mist
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Aluminum AP-40 Aluminum
Aluminum SC-47 Aluminum
New York New Haven and Hartford RR
(Found on RS2s & RS3s Red 3 parts R-135 SP Daylight Orange
circa 1947-1951) 1 part R-134 SP Daylight Orange
1 part R-11 Reefer White
" Black 1 part R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-13 Grimy Black
1 part R-34 Brunswick Green
New York, Ontario & Western RR
Yellow 3/4 oz R-31 Reefer Yellow
1/2 oz R-11 Reefer White
28 parts R-20 Caboose Red
12 parts R-10 Engine Black
Gray 1.5 tsp R-12 Reefer Gray
9 drops R-50 Dark Blue
35 drops R-10 Engine Black
Orange 3.75 tsp R-30 Reefer Orange
1/2 tsp R-11 Reefer White
1 tsp R-31 Reefer Yellow
Nickel Plate Road
Gold 1/2tsp R-31 Reefer Yellow
8 drops R-70 Roof Brown
Black 10 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-70 Roof Brown
2 parts R-13 Grimy Black
Norfolk & Western
(Found on EMD GP9s Tuscan Red DuPont Duco 282-93520
passenger units #500- (EMD #8268698)
521 circa 9/58) or
Tuscan Red 2 parts R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-25 Tuscan
(Found on GP38AC units Black R-10 Engine Black
#4107, 4132 & 4149) or
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
(Found on GP38AC units Yellow R-31 Reefer Yellow
#4107, 4132 & 4149) or
Yellow AP-20 Medium Yellow
(Found on post merger N&W Blue
units circa mid-'65) 50% Wabash Blue 9 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-10 Engine Black
50% C&O Blue R-57 C&O Enchantment Blue
(Found on post merger N&W Blue
units circa mid-'65) 50% Wabash Blue 9 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-10 Engine Black
50% Bando Blue 25 parts R-152 B&O Royal Blue
3 parts R-10 Engine Black
3 parts R-65 Signal Red
(Found on post merger N&W Blue
units circa mid-'65) 50% Wabash Blue 9 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-10 Engine Black
50% Blue 9 parts R-57 C&O Enchantment Blue
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-10 Engine Black
(Found on post merger N&W Blue
units circa mid-'65) 50% Wabash Blue 9 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-10 Engine Black
50% Blue 8 parts R-57 C&O Enchantment Blue
2 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-132 SP Lark Dark Grey
(Weathered post-merger Blue Pantone #5405
SD45 #1778 circa 9/70)
Norfolk & Portsmouth Belt Line Railroad Company
(Found on units #103, Brown Pantone #469
108 & 113 circa 5-69/
8/69) Red Pantone #470
Yellow (stripes) Pantone #141
North Central Oklahoma RR
Blue 8 parts R-58 Conrail Blue
2 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
Yellow 2 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Gray 1 part R-167 UP Harbor Mist Gray
1 part R-144 Platinum Mist
Black 5 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-13 Grimy Black
North Shore Lines
(Found on Electro- Green 10 parts R-48 Coach Green
liner bodies) 10 parts R-40 Dark Green
5 parts R-51 Light Blue
4 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
(Trim on Electro- Salmon 10 parts R-135 SP Daylight Red
liner bodies) 1 part R-70 Roof Brown
(Roofwalks on Electro- Gray 2 parts R-10 Engine Black
liner bodies) 10 parts R-11 Reefer White
Northern Alberta RR
NAR Yellow 2 parts R-11 White
8 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
NAR Gray R-12 Reefer Gray
NAR Dark Blue R-57 Enchantment Blue
NAR Green-Gold 2 parts R-104 Brass
1 part R-44 Depot Olive
Northern Indiana Public Service
(exact match) TTrain Yellow Sherwin-Williams #F44YC85
Northern Pacific
(Found on exteriors NP Brown 193 parts R-74 Boxcar Red
of wood chip cars (Red Oxide) 117 parts R-20 Caboose Red
circa 1965) 52 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
17 parts R-50 Dark Blue
7 parts R-10 Engine Black
(Found on interiors Gray R-12 Reefer Gray
of wood chip cars or
circa 1965) Gray SC-65 NYC Light Gray
Yellow 1/2 tsp R-31 Reefer Yellow
4 drops R-70 Roof Brown
Yellow 1 part SC-71 CN Yellow
1 part SC-22 UP Yellow
Dark Green 4 parts R-40 Dark Green
3 parts R-45 Pullman Green
1 part R-50 Dark Blue
Dark Green AP-79 Dark Green
Dark Green SC-61 NP Dark Green
Light Green 2 parts R-41 Light Green
1 part R-11 Engine Black
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Light Green SC-60 NP Light Green
North Stratford RR
Dark Green R-40 Dark Green
Octoraro Railway
Blue 7 parts R-50 Dark Blue
3 parts R-51 Light Blue
Yellow 5 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Ontario Northland
Northland Blue R-50 Dark Blue
Northland Yell. 6 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
Ontario Blue R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
Oregon, Calif. & Eastern RR
Light Olive 2 parts R-44 Depot Olive
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Pend Oreille Valley RR
Engine Red 20 parts R-65 Signal Red
18 parts R-11 Reefer White
Penn Central RR
Green 20 parts R-35 Burlington No. Grn.
3 parts R-51 Light Blue
4 parts R-11 Reefer White
Green R-47 Jade Green
Green SC-34 PC Green
Pennsylvania RR
Tuscan Red 5 parts R-25 Tuscan
3 parts R-74 Boxcar Red
Tuscan Red AP-37 PRR Maroon
Black SC-4 Keystone Black
Black 4 parts SC-4 Keystone Black
2 parts SC-1 Loco Black
1 part SC-6 Brunswick Green
MOW Yellow 5 parts R-158 Erie Lack. Yellow
(New) 3 parts R-11 Reefer White
3 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
MOW Yellow 5 parts R-173 D&RGW Yellow
3 parts R-158 Erie Lack. Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Brunswick Grn. 28 parts R-10 Engine Black
16 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
Brunswick Grn. SC-6 PRR Brunswick Green
Pullman Red 20 parts R-65 Signal Red
#600-1 2 parts R-166 UP Armour Yellow
2 parts R-7 Rail Brown
Pullman Red 70 parts R-65 Signal Red
#70-60 1 part R-58 Conrail Blue
50 parts R-20 Caboose Red
Pullman Red 50 parts R-20 Caboose Red
#70-61 3 parts R-58 Conrail Blue
Toluidene Red 20 parts R-20 Caboose Red
#47-2627 2 parts R-7 Rail Brown
(Used for lettering) Synthetic Buff 15 parts R-166 UP Armour Yellow
#47-3294 75 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
2 parts R-70 Roof Brown
18 parts R-7 Rail Brown
Pittsburgh & West Virginia Rwy.
(Found on FM H-20-44 Black R-10 Engine Black
and H-16-44R units or
#50-93 circa '47-'72) Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
(Found on FM H-20-44 Yellow 10 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
and H-16-44R units 1 part R-11 Reefer White
#50-93 circa '47-'72) 1 part R-166 UP Armour Yellow
(Found on FM H-20-44 Red 7 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
and H-16-44R units 1 part R-65 Signal Red
#50-93 circa '47-'72) 1 part R-33 Railbox Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Caboose Red 2 parts R-185 Oxide Red
2 parts R-20 Caboose Red
1 part R-73 Rust
Port Authority of Allegheny County (PATrain)
Brown R-70 Roof Brown
Tangerine R-30 Reefer Orange
Wheat 19 parts R-85 Antique White
1 part R-87 Depot Buff
Port Jersey RR
Red 7 parts R-187 Socony Red
2 parts R-65 Signal Red
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Port Manatee RR
Blue 5 parts R-51 Light Blue
5 parts R-58 Conrail Blue
2 parts R-65 Signal Red
Yellow 5 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
5 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
Portland Terminal Co.
(Found on S4s circa Yellow 3 parts R-178 ATSF Yellow
1977) 1 part R-166 UP Armour Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Port of Tillamook Bay RR
Yellow PG 400 Sun Yellow
City of Prineville RR
Omaha Orange 7 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Providence & Worcester RR
P & W Orange 5 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Red R-143 Amtrak Red
Dark Brown R-70 Roof Brown
Yellow R-33 Railbox Yellow
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-11 White
Pullman Transport Leasing Corp. (PTLX)
Olive Green 3 parts R-41 Lt. Green
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Light Blue 1 part R-56 GN Sky Blue
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Orange R-30 Reefer Orange
Orange AP-17 CN Orange
(Found on covered Yellow R-31 Reefer Yellow
hoppers leased to or
Michigan Elevator Yellow AP-20 Medium Yellow
(Found on covered Gray 1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
hoppers leased to 1 part R-11 Reefer White
FMC Chemicals)
Railroad Color Amount Color
Rahway Valley RR
Red (Fed Std R-20 Caboose Red
Yellow 1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Reading Railroad
(Found on F Units Imitation Gold DuPont Duco 254-54388
circa '45-'52-exact
(Found on F Units Woodfield Green DuPont Duco 246-6195
circa '45-'52-exact
match) or
Woodfield Green 10 parts R-37 Penn Central Green
1 part R-41 Light Green
1 part R-35 BN Green
Woodfield Green R-183 Reading Green
(Found on F Units Black DuPont Duco 2234
circa '45-'52-exact
(exact match) Green DuPont Duco 254-6195
Green AP-33 Reading Green
Gold 1/2 tsp R-31 Reefer Yellow
8 drops R-70 Roof Brown
(exact match) Imitation Gold DuPont Duco 254-54388
Cream 62 parts R-11 Reefer White
7 parts R-166 UP Armour Yellow
11 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-48 Coach Green
Cream 52 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-166 UP Armour Yellow
11 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
Red River Valley & Western RR
Maroon 8 parts R-88 D&H Caboose Red
4 parts R-25 Tuscan
Gold 4 parts R-134 SP Daylight Orange
4 parts R-11 Reefer White
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-11 White
Black 5 parts R-10 Engine Black
4 parts R-13 Grimy Black
Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac
(found on RF&P GP35s Dark Blue Acrylic 939-31756
& GP40s circa 1966- or
1972) Dark Blue 4 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 parts R-51 Light Blue
(found on RF&P GP35s Light Gray Acrylic 939-6173
& GP40s circa 1966- or
1972) Light Gray 10 parts R-150 D&H Gray
1 part R-51 Light Blue
R. J. Corman Railroad Co.
Red R-20 Caboose Red
Red AP-8 Vermillion
Silver 8 parts R-144 Platinum Mist
1 part R-130 SP Lettering Gray
Rochester & Southern
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
Orange R-30 Reefer Orange
Orange AP-17 CN Orange
Yellow R-31 Reefer Yellow
Yellow AP-20 Medium Yellow
Rock Island RR
(Found on F Units RI Red R-65 Signal Red
circa 1953) or
RI Red SC-26 SF Red
(Found on F Units White R-11 Reefer Whie
circa 1953) or
White SC-11 White
White AP-1 Stencil White
(Found on F Units Black R-10 Engine Black
circa 1953) or
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-01 Loco Black
Yellow 1 part R-33 Railbox Yellow
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
(1975 new image RI Blue 2 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
"The Rock") 1 part R-11 Reefer White
RI Blue 7 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
4 parts R-11 Reefer White
St Johnsbury & Lamoille County Railroad
Orange 10 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
St. Lawrence Railroad
Blue 8 parts R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
1 part R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-35 BN Green
Blue R-58 Conrail Blue
Blue AP-7 Conrail Blue
Blue SC-75 Conrail Blue
(Found on Railbox 50' Boxcar Orange 3 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
boxcars circa late 2 parts R-168 UP Light Orange
60's-early 70's) 1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
(Found on Railbox 50' Roof Aluminum 10 parts R-100 Old Silver
boxcars circa late 4 parts R-144 Platinum Mist
60's-early 70's) 1 part R-11 Reefer White
St. Louis Southwestern (SSW)
(found on Cotton Belt Scarlet Lacquer 939-Y-51151
GP40-2s units #7248- or
7657 circa 1984) Scarlet R-136 SP Scarlet
Scarlet AP-66 SP Scarlet
Scarlet SC-29 SP Scarlet
Dark Gray Lacquer 939-Y-93830
Dark Gray R-132 SP Lark Dark Grey
Dark Gray AP-65 SP Lark Dark Gray
Dark Gray SC-28 SP Dark Gray
Light Gray Lacquer 939-Y-55921
Light Gray R-131 SP Lark Light Grey
Beige Enamel 917-Y-12145
Dark Gray Enamel 183-19688
Brown Enamel 917-Y-12146
White Lacquer 939-Y-93881
St Marys River RR
Red Oxide 9 parts R-135 SP Daylight Red
1 part R-11 Reefer White
3 parts R-136 SP Scarlet
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-11 White
Blue 13 parts R-51 Light Blue
20 parts R-11 Reefer White
5 parts R-41 Light Green
Santa Fe
Tuscan R-25 Tuscan
Savannah State Docks RR
Blue (Fed Std R-142 Amtrak Blue
Scoular-Bishop Lsng. (Industry Financial Corp.)
Yellow R-31 Reefer Yellow
Yellow AP-20 Medium Yellow
Seaboard Air Line
(found on ALCO S2s & Black R-10 Engine Black
S4s circa 1942, 1946, or
1948 & 1953) Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
(found on ALCO S2s & Chinese Red 10 parts R-65 Signal Red
S4s circa 1942, 1946, 3 parts R-187 Socony Red
1948 & 1953) 1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Aluminum 3 parts R-100 Old Silver
1 part R-108 Gun Metal
SCL/LN Family Lines System
(Found on SD40-2s Gray DuPont 939-Y-6334
circa '77-exact match)
(Found on SD40-2s Yellow DuPont 939-Y-373
circa '77-exact match)
(Found on SD40-2s Red DuPont 939-Y-51151
circa '77-exact match)
Family Lines R-132 SP Lark Dk. Gray
System Gray
Seaboard Coast Line Railroad System
(Found on GP40s units "Pullman" or Pantone #370
1516-1543) "Apple" Green
" Yellow (stripes) Pantone #100 cut 200% w/ wt
" Gold (stripe) Pantone #145
SCL Orange 8 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Beige 1 part R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-87 Depot Buff
SCL Gray 8 parts R-131 Lt. Gray
2 parts R-130 Lettering Gray
Beige 20 parts R-11 Reefer White
3 parts R-82 Concrete
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Blue 1 part R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Shippers Car Line, Div. of ACF Industries (ACFX)
(Found on tank cars Olive Green 4 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
leased to BASF/ 2 parts R-440 GW Loco Green
Wyandotte) 1 part R-40 Dk. Green
Sierra RR Co.
Orange 10 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Cream 16 parts R-11 White
2 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
1 part R-133 SP Armour Yellow
Soo Line RR (Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie)
White R-85 Antique White
(exact match) Maroon DuPont/Dulux 933-30350M
Gold 2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow +(1
drop R-70 Roof
Brown per 1/4 tsp
above mix)
Southern Pacific
Black 8 parts R-13 Grimy Black
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
5 parts R-10 Engine Black
Gray SC-28 SP Dark Gray
Red SC-29 SP Scarlet
Red AP-66 SP Scarlet
Orange SC-30 SP Daylight Orange
Orange R-134 SP Daylight Orange
(safety stripes) Yellow 7 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-173 D&RGW Yellow
(Found on B-50-26 & Red Oxide 1 part R-74 Box Car Red
B-50-27 box cars in 1 part R-186 Oxide Red
series 60250-61189)
Southern Peru Copper Corp.
Blue 8 parts R-151 D&H Blue
3 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-51 Light Blue
Red 8 parts R-65 Signal Red
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
Southern Railway
Maroon 8 parts R-160 Rock Island Maroon
2 parts R-34 Brunswick Green
Black Lacquer 939-Y-67391
Black Enamel BA-5771-2
Black 9 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Alum/Gray Lacquer 939-Y-34793
Yellow Lacquer 939-Y-23663
Yellow Lacquer 939-Y-54015
Yellow 8 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
White Scotchcal 3650
White 4 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
Gold Scotchlite 580-54
Green SC-19 Southern Green
Green AP-75 Southern Green
Southwestern Electric Power Co.
Omaha Orange 7 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railroad
Boxcar Green 3 parts R-48 Coach Green
1 part R-35 BN Green
Yellow R-31 Reefer Yellow
Tacoma Municipal Belt Line
Red 10 parts R-65 Signal Red
1 part R-11 Reefer White
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-11 White
Texas, Oklahoma & Eastern RR
Blue 3 parts R-51 Lt. Blue
1 part R-50 Dark Blue
Texas and Pacific Railway
(Found on E7s circa Blue DuPont Duco 246-34246
'47-'49-exact match)
(Found on E7s circa Grey DuPont Duco 246-34245
'47-'49-exact match)
(Found on E7s circa Cream DuPont Duco 246-52081
'47-'49-exact match)
(Found on E7s circa Imitation Aluminum DuPont Duco 246-4202
'47-'49-exact match)
(Found on E8s circa Blue DuPont Duco 254-55074
'47-'49-exact match)
(Found on E8s circa Grey DuPont Duco 254-34245
'47-'49-exact match)
(Found on E8s circa Gream DuPont Duco 254-55073
'47-'49-exact match)
(Found on E8s circa Imitation Aluminum DuPont Duco 254-4202
'47-'49-exact match)
Texas, Pacific & Western RR
Vermillion/ 9 parts R-135 SP Daylight Red
Red/Orng 1 part R-30 Reefer Orange
Blue 6 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-48 Coach Green
Gray 4 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray + (2
drops R-31 Reefer
Yellow per 1/4 tsp
above mix)
Yellow 5 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Texas Mexican Railway
Green 9 parts R-47 Jade Green
1 part R-85 Antique White
Green 9 parts R-154 Vermont Green
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Orange R-134 SP Daylight Orange
Toledo, Peoria & Western RR
Yellow 6 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
6 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-25 Tuscan
(suggested by TP&W Green R-48 Coach Green
Historical & Technical
Society) or
Green R-45 Pullman Green
(suggested by TP&W Yellow 12 parts SC-15 Reefer Yellow
Historical & Technical 6 parts SC-11 Reefer White
Society) 1 part SC-12 Tuscan Red
Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo RR
Cream 5 parts R-11 White
2 parts R-133 SP Armour Yellow
Cream 1 part PF-40 Yellow
2 parts PF-41 Earth Yellow
3 parts PF-11 White
Maroon 12 parts PF-64 Dark Earth Brown
7 parts PF-21 Venetian Dull Red
3 parts PF-20 Fire Red
2 parts PF-24 International Orng.
Trailer Train Corporation
(exact match) TTrain Yellow Sherwin-Williams #F44YC85
Union Pacific
(Early PFE ice UP Orange 10 parts R-134 SP Daylight Orange
reefers) 2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-130 SP Lettering Gray
(Current PFE ice Reefer Orange 8 parts R-168 UP Light Orange
reefers) 3 parts R-172 D&RGW Orange
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Yellow R-166 UP Armour Yellow
Yellow 1 oz R-31 Reefer Yellow
28 drops R-25 Tuscan
Yellow SC-22 UP Yellow
Yellow AP-67 UP Armour Yellow
Gray 4 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
2 parts R-48 Coach Green
3 parts R-10 Engine Black
Gray SC-32 Harbor Mist
Gray AP-68 UP Harbor Mist Gray
Red 10 parts R-20 Caboose Red
2 parts R-65 Signal Red
2 parts R-10 Engine Black
(anti-glare panels) A.G. Green Pactra Anti-Glare Green#535
Union RR of Oregon
Light green 25 parts R-11 White
3 parts R-33 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-56 GN Big Sky Blue
Union Tank Car Leasing Co. (UTLX)
(Found on tank cars Olive Green 4 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
leased to BASF/ 2 parts R-440 GW Loco Green
Wyandotte) 1 part R-40 Dk. Green
United States Army Transportation Corps
Red 5 parts R-176 ATSF Red
5 parts R-187 Socony Red
Yellow R-31 Reefer Yellow
Black 5 parts R-10 Engine Black
5 parts R-13 Grimy Black
Red R-143 Amtrak Red
Blue R-142 Amtrak Blue
Valdosta Southern RR Co.
(Found on Railbox 50' Boxcar Yellow 8 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
boxcars circa late 1 part R-11 Reefer White
60's-early 70's)
(Found on Railbox 50' Roof Aluminum 10 parts R-100 Old Silver
boxcars circa late 4 parts R-144 Platinum Mist
60's-early 70's) 1 part R-11 Reefer White
VIA Rail
Blue 8 parts R-58 Conrail Blue
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-51 Light Blue
Blue AP-61 VIA Blue
Yellow 9 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Gray 5 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
2 parts R-11 Reefer White
Vermont Northern RR
(found on ex-LI C420s Yellow 20 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
unit #204 rebuilt by 18 parts R-11 Reefer White
Morrison-Knudsen) 15 parts R-155 UP Armour Yellow
1 part R-41 Light Green
1 part R-70 Roof Brown
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
Vermont Railway
Yellow R-33 Railbox Yellow
Green AP-58 Vermont Green
Green R-36 Weyerhauser Green
Green 4 parts R-174 Southern Green
1 part R-40 Dark Green
1 part R-35 BN Green
Virginia and Maryland Railroad
(Found on RS1 #22 Green Pantone 377
circa 9/77)
(Stripes on RS1 #22 Yellow R-33 Railbox Yellow
circa 9/77) or
Yellow AP-23 D&H Yellow
Yellow SC-15 Reefer Yellow
(Frame, underbody & Black R-10 Engine Black
trucks on RS1 #22 or
circa 9/77) Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
Virginian Railway
(Found on FM H-16-44s Black DuPont Duco 2234
circa '56-exact match)
(Found on FM H-16-44s Yellow DuPont Duco 2490
circa '56-exact match)
(Found on FM H-16-44s Red DuPont Duco 5101
circa '56-exact match)
(Found on FM H-16-44s Imitation Gold Thresher Varnish 9265
circa '56-exact match)
(Found on FM H-16-44s Suede Grey DuPont Dulux 88-503
circa '56-exact match)
Wabash RR
(Found on E7s circa Blue DuPont Duco 254-81456
'46-'53-exact match)
(Found on E7s circa Gray DuPont Duco 254-3153
'46-'53-exact match)
(Found on E7s circa Gray DuPont Duco 254-31402
'46-'53-exact match)
(Found on E7s circa White DuPont Duco 254-1
'46-'53-exact match)
(Found on E7s circa Red DuPont Duco 254-9089R
'46-'53-exact match)
(Found on E7s circa Imitation Gold DuPont Duco 254-54292
'46-'53-exact match)
(Found on E7s circa Black DuPont Dulux 88-762
'46-'53-exact match)
Blue 9 parts R-50 Dark Blue
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Gray 2 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Light Gray 4 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-50 Dark Blue
Dark Gray 10 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
1 part R-50 Dark Blue
3 parts R-10 Engine Black
Aluminum 5 ml R-11 Reefer White
2 drops R-12 Reefer Gray
Red R-136 SP Scarlet
Imitation Gold R-166 UP Armour Yellow
White 1 tsp R-11 Reefer White
2 drops R-12 Reefer Gray
Washington Central Rail Corp.
Red 13 parts R-20 Caboose Red
15 parts R-65 Signal Red
7 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
White R-11 Reefer White
White AP-1 Stencil White
White SC-11 White
Black R-10 Engine Black
Black AP-2 Stencil Black
Black SC-10 Black
Western Maryland RR
Gold 2 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow + (1
drop R-70 Roof
Brown per 1/4 tsp
above mix)
Yellow 7 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-11 Reefer White
6 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
Red 5 parts R-187 Socony Red
3 parts R-176 ATSF Red
1 part R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
White 10 parts R-11 Reefer White
2 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
Western Pacific
(Found on WP FT units Woodfield Grn DuPont Duco 246-6195
used in freight svc.
delivered circa '41-
'44-exact match)
(Found on WP FT units Diamond Yellow DuPont Duco 246-51596
used in freight svc.
delivered circa '41-
'44-exact match)
(Found on WP FT units Omaha Orange DuPont Duco 246-6276
used in freight svc.
delivered circa '41-
'44-exact match)
(Found on WP FT units Imitation Aluminum DuPont Duco 246-34793
used in freight svc.
delivered circa '41-
'44-exact match)
(Found on F3 & FP7 Aluminum DuPont Duco 254-9614
used in passenger
svc. delivered circa
'47-'51-exact match)
(Found on F3 & FP7 Orange DuPont Duco 254-6273
used in passenger
svc. delivered circa
'47-'51-exact match)
(Found on F3 & FP7 Black DuPont Duco 254-2234
used in passenger
svc. delivered circa
'47-'51-exact match)
(Found on F3 & FP7 Red DuPont Duco 254-9089
used in passenger
svc. delivered circa
'47-'51-exact match)
(Found on F7s used in Aluminum DuPont Duco 254-9614
used in freight svc.
delivered circa '50-
'51-exact match)
(Found on F7s used in Orange DuPont Duco 254-6273
used in freight svc.
delivered circa '50-
'51-exact match)
(Found on F7s used in Black DuPont Duco 254-2234
used in freight svc.
delivered circa '50-
'51-exact match)
(Found on F7s used in Red DuPont Duco 254-9089
used in freight svc.
delivered circa '50-
'51-exact match)
WP Brown 5 parts R-70 Roof Brown
5 parts R-74 Boxcar Red
Green 5 parts R-40 Dark Green
1 part R-10 Engine Black
(to darken, reduce
the amt of green to
4 parts)
Green R-174 Southern Green
Orange 5 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-136 SP Scarlet
Yellow R-31 Reefer Yellow
Vermillion R-135 SP Daylight Red
Willamina & Grande Ronde
Yellow 5 parts R-173 D&RGW Yellow
2 parts R-33 Railbox Yellow
Black 5 parts R-10 Engine Black
2 parts R-13 Grimy Black
Wisconsin & Southern RR Co.
Green 20 parts R-40 Dark Green
10 parts R-41 Light Green
5 parts R-50 Dark Blue
5 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
Yellow 10 parts R-31 Reefer Yellow
30 parts R-11 Reefer White
Wisconsin Central RR
Maroon 5 parts R-88 D&H Caboose Red
2 parts R-65 Signal Red
1 part R-25 Tuscan
Cream 10 parts R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
Yellow R-44 Railbox Yellow
Yellow AP-23 D&H Yellow
Wolfeboro RR
(found on RS3 #101 Blue 2 parts R-58 Conrail Blue
circa 1976) 1 part R-51 Light Blue
(found on RS3 #101 Yellow 3 parts R-158 EL Yellow
circa 1976) 1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-33 Railbox Yellow
(found on former B&M Yellow 3 parts R-158 EL Yellow
S3 #1185) 1 part R-31 Reefer Yellow
1 part R-33 Railbox Yellow
(found on former B&M Oxide Red 3 parts R-176 ATSF Red
S3 #1185) 2 parts R-187 Socony Red
2 parts R-136 SP Scarlet
1 part R-13 Grimy Black
Yreka Western RR
Light Blue R-51 Light Blue
Light Blue AP-6 GTW Blue
Youngstown Steel
Switcher Orng 9 parts R-30 Reefer Orange
1 part R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-172 D&RGW Orange
============================================================ =================
Warm Black Black 4 parts R-10 Engine Black
2 parts R-75 Boxcar Red
1 part R-11 Reefer White
Basic Black (Jim Six) Black 5 parts R-10 Engine Black
1 part R-70 Roof Brown
1 part R-9 Primer Gray
2 parts R-6 Dust
Basic Rust I Rust 10 parts R-73 Rust
3 parts R-13 Grimy Black
Basic Rust II Medium Rust 10 parts R-73 Rust
2 parts R-13 Grimy Black
Basic Rust III Light Rust 10 parts R-73 Rust
1 part R-73 Grimy Black
1/2part R-10 SP Daylight Orange
Basic Rust IV New Rust 10 parts R-7 Rail Brown
2 parts R-70 Roof Brown
1 part R-10 Engine Black
Aged Rust 10 parts R-73 Rust
5 parts R-25 Tuscan (or R-74
Boxcar Red)
2 parts R-70 Roof Brown
2 parts R-10 Engine Black
Basic Rust V Iron Oxide 2 parts R-73 Rust
3 parts R-74 Boxcar Red
1 part R-7 Rail Brown
Basic Rust VI Iron Oxide 1 part R-74 Boxcar Red
1 part R-20 Caboose Red
Caucasian Skin Tones Light 2 parts R-81 Earth
(Floquil's "Flesh" is 2 parts R-23 Flesh
usually too "orangey") 1 part R-11 Reefer White
Average 1 part R-81 Earth
1 part R-23 Flesh
Dark 5 parts R-81 Earth
5 parts R-23 Flesh
1 part R-11 Reefer White
1 part R-70 Roof Brown
Barn Red Brick Red 10 parts R-88 D&H Caboose Red
7 parts R-25 Tuscan (or R-74
Boxcar Red)
2 parts R-7 Rail Brown
1 part R-12 Reefer Gray
Alt. Brick Red 10 parts R-186 Oxide Red
8 parts R-25 Tuscan (or R-74
Boxcar Red)
1 part R-10 Engine Black
2 parts R-7 Rail Brown
Smoke Gray 1 parts R-13 Grime
5 parts R-11 Reefer White
Russian Iron 1 Gray 40 parts R-13 Grimy Black
(blue-green hue) 20 parts R-108 Gun Metal
Russian Iron 2 Gray 30 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
(blue-green hue) 10 part R-119 Graphite
10 part R-50 Dark Blue
Russian Iron 3 Gray R-108 Gun Metal
(blue-green hue) plus a few drops of R-50 Dark Blue
Russian Iron 4 Gray 40 parts R-11 Reefer White
(reddish hue) 15 parts R-108 Gun Metal
5 parts R-40 Dark Blue
5 parts R-20 Caboose Red
3 parts R-119 Graphite
Russian Iron 5 Gray R-108 Gun Metal
(reddish hue) plus 1-2 drops R-20 Caboose Red
Russian Iron 6 Gray 49 parts R-108 Gun Metal
(reddish hue) 20 parts R-12 Reefer Gray
5 parts R-20 Caboose Red
All fonts are ©/Æ1994-2006 Benjamin Coifman and all artwork
©/Æ1994-2006 Benjamin Coifman, all rights reserved.